CS 221: Introduction to Computer Science for Engineers

Fall 2011

Instructor: Prof. Kenneth L. Calvert, calvert@netlab.uky.edu, 257-3961, office 102F Davis Marksbury.

Complete Syllabus (PDF)

The PDF version has complete information about textbook, course structure, grading and other policies not covered here.

Link to CS Portal


Watch this space for announcements, advice, and assignments.
24   Aug The first class meeting will be Tuesday, 30 August 2011.
13   Sep The first lab quiz will be Thursday, 29 September. The first in-class quiz will be Tuesday, 4 October.
15   Sep The first problem set is due Wednesday, 21 September. Late submissions will be penalized 20% per day.
26   Sep A Practice Lab Quiz is available. It is strongly recommended that you work it.
10   Oct In-Class Quizzes 2 and 3 will be 25 October and 22 November.
Lab Quizzes 2 and 3 will be 3 November and 1 December.
1   Nov A Practice Quiz for Lab Quiz 2 (THIS THURSDAY) is available; it is strongly recommended that you work it.
Also, here are some hints on how to approach the quiz.
21   Nov Here's' list of things to know for the third in-class quiz (Tuesday 22 November).
5   Dec The final examination will be Thursday, 15 December, 10:30-12:30 in the regular lecture hall. The final is cumulative. It will be made up of problems similar to those on the earlier quizzes.
9   Dec Solutions to Homework 5 have been posted. Also, solved versions of all the in-class quizzes have been posted (near the bottom of this page).

Lab Exercises

  1. Lab Exercise 1, out 31 August, due 8 September.
  2. Lab Exercise 2, out 7 September, due 15 September.
  3. Lab Exercise 3, out 14 September, due 22 September.
  4. Lab Exercise 4, out 21 September, due 6 October (one week later than usual due to Lab Quiz on 29 September).
  5. Lab Exercise 5, out 5 October, due 13 October.
  6. Lab Exercise 6, out 12 October, due 20 October.
  7. Lab Exercise 7, out 19 October, due 27 October.
  8. Lab Exercise 8, out 26 October, due 10 November (one week later than usual due to Lab Quiz).
  9. Lab Exercise 9, out 9 November, due 17 November.
  10. Lab Exercise 10, out 16 November, due 8 December.

Problem Sets

  1. Problem Set 1, Due Wednesday 21 September. Grading Guidelines for Problem Set 1.
  2. Problem Set 2, Due Friday, 21 October. Grading Guidelines for Problem Set 2.
    Solutions for Problem Set 2.
  3. Problem Set 3, Due Monday, 7 November. Grading Guidelines for Problem Set 3.
    Solutions for Problem Set 3.
  4. Problem Set 4, Due Wednesday, 16 November.
    Solutions for Problem Set 4.
  5. Problem Set 5, Due Saturday, 3 December, but can be turned in until 9 December.
    Solutions for Problem Set 5.
  6. Extra Credit Problem 1, Due Sunday, 11 December.
  7. Extra Credit Problem 2, Due Sunday, 11 December.

CS Concepts

The following are the basic Computer Science topics for which you will be responsible; we will also cover engineering applications.

Useful Information

TA Office Hours

In addition to their lab sections, all TAs hold office hours [in Multilab].
TA Name Sections Office Hours
Tom Allen (thomas.allen@uky.edu) Section 003 (11:00) Thur 2:00-3:30
Mehmet Onur Ascigil (onur@netlab.uky.edu) Sections 001 (8:00) and 002 (9:30) Tue and Thu 11:00-12:30
Pavel Tariq Islam (pavel.ducse@gmail.com) Sections 008 (5:00) and 009 (6:00) Tue 12:30-2:00, Thu 3:30-5:00pm
Manish Sapkota (manish.sapkota@uky.edu) Sections 006 (3:00) and 007 (4:00) Tue and Thu 9:00-10:30
Ju Shen (jushen.tom@gmail.com) Sections 004 (12:30) and 005 (2:00) Friday 9:00-12:00

Slides Used in Lecture

In-Class Quiz Solutions

Instructions for online turnin of assignments

  1. Go to https://www.cs.uky.edu/csportal (Note: https -- this is important!)
  2. Log in using your Link Blue user ID and password.
  3. Click on Courses in the menu bar at left. That will bring up a table of courses in which you are currently enrolled.
  4. Find the area for your CS 221 section (it will say "CS22100x", where "x" is your section number), and the row for the assignment or lab exercise you are submitting. (You should also see a brief description for each assignment.) Click on the link under submit in that row. A window for uploading files will appear. You can either click browse (recommended) to find the file using a standard "chooser" dialog, or you can type in the pathname for the file -- that is, a full name, starting with a drive letter, like this:
    C:\Documents and Settings\calvert\Desktop\CalvertKenneth-HW0.zip
    It doesn't matter what the file is called on your system -- the turnin system will generate a unique filename from your name and student number, the assignment number, and how many times you have already turned it in.
  5. Once you have identified the file to be uploaded, click the "submit" button to upload it. If the upload is successful, a confirmation number will be displayed. Copy down and save this number -- it is your receipt, and the only acceptable proof that you turned in the assignment.
  6. If a submission is found to contain a virus, or is damaged in some way (e.g., it is not a valid zip file), it will be rejected. At that point you will need to check for viruses yourself and/or verify that you constructed the zip file correctly.
  7. You may upload a revised version after you have already submitted. The system records the date and time of your most recent submission; the latest submission will count. Submissions after the deadline will be counted late.
If you have any problems with the turnin system, please send email to BOTH paul@cs.uky.edu and calvert@cs.uky.edu. Please be sure you are following the instructions, and include a precise and detailed description of the problem. (Note: include at least answers to these questions: What computer are you on? Exactly what actions did you take? What response did you see to those actions? Include text of all error messages and any other output you see.)

Instructions for Creating a "zip" File

Windows XP:

  1. Start Windows Explorer (note: NOT Internet Explorer) and navigate to the folder containing the files you want to include in the zip archive.
  2. Select all the files you want to include. (You can either select them using shift-click, if they are contiguous in the list, or select one and then use control-click to add files to the selection.)
  3. When all the files to be included are highlighted, right-click on one of them. Select the entry "Send to..." from the pop-up menu that appears when you right-click. That menu item expands to a list, which includes an item "Compressed (zipped) Folder" -- select it. A new zip file, containing the selected files, will appear. It will have the same name as one of the included files, but will have the suffix ".zip".
Mac OS:

  1. In the Finder, select the items you want to include in the zip file.
  2. Under the "File" menu, select "Compress items" (where n should be the number of items you have selected). A file "Archive.zip" will appear.


Ken Calvert
Last modified: Mon Aug 29 18:27 EDT 2011