CS 221 Lab 4 Fall 2011: DeMorgan's Law; More MATLAB
Out: 21 September 2011
Due: 6 October 2011 (one week later than usual due to
Lab Quiz next week)
Note: To
save your work for later completion,
copy/save the spreadsheet to removable media (flash drive) or your locker.
Part 1: More MATLAB Scripts with Conditionals
In last week's lab you created a script to test whether a given
quadratic equation had real roots, and if so, to compute those roots.
In this exercise you will create a script
called areas to compute the areas of
different shapes.
The script will prompt the user for the name of a shape
(triangle or circle) and then, prompt again for the parameters needed to
compute the area: base and height for the triangle, radius for the
circle. (Recall that the area of a triangle with
base b and height h is ½bh; the area of a
circle of radius r is πr².)
Start MATLAB and open the script editor window by selecting "New" ->
Add a comment (a line beginning with "%") as the first line, giving
the script name and purpose. Include your name also in this
First, use the input() function to get one of the
strings "triangle" or "circle" from the user, and assign it to a variable
called whichshape. The prompt (argument to input()) should say
"Which shape - triangle or circle?" Tip: always
include a space at the end of the prompt string — it looks better.
Remember that to read a string from the
keyboard, you need to give a second argument (the string 's')
to input(). This tells it to treat
whatever the user types as a string, and not to
try to evaluate it.
Next, depending on what string the user has input
(i.e., the value of whichshape), prompt for and read in the
appropriate parameter(s), compute the area using the appropriate
formula, and assign it to the variable result.
You will want to execute exactly one of three alternatives, depending
on the value of whichshape:
Prompt for input b and h and assign to result the area of
the triangle;
Prompt for input r and assign to result the area of the circle;
Print an error message (if the input was neither "triangle" nor "circle").
Remember to use strcmp() to compare strings!
Use disp() to print "the area is ", followed by the value
of result.
When you have completed your script, save it as areas.m. Then test
it with several different input strings, including "triangle",
"circle", "square", and "123".
When you have it working, demonstrate it for your instructor, then
uplaod it as "Lab 4 Part 1" via
the online submission
Part 2: Truth Tables in Excel
In this exercise you will learn how to construct a truth table
for any boolean expression in Excel.
In lecture you have seen DeMorgan's Law, which says how negation (not)
"distributes over" (kind of) conjunction ("and", ∧) by changing it
to disjunction ("or",∨), and vice versa:
~(A ∧ B) = ~A ∨ ~B
~(A ∨ B) = ~A ∧ ~B
In this exercise you will create a truth table using Boolean operators
in Excel. The truth table will show the value of each of the
expressions above, along with all of its subexpressions.
Create a new spreadsheet with the following headings in cells A1
through J1:
A, B, (A ∧ B), (A ∨ B), ~A, ~B, ~(A ∧ B), (~A ∨ ~B),
~(A ∨ B), (~A ∧ ~B). Your spreadsheet will have 10 columns in all.
Make the column headings bold and centered. Also,
use the logical symbols
"∧" and "∨", not "&" and "|".
To get these symbols, select
Insert -> Symbol, then click on the symbol
you want in the pop-up table. (Make sure the font selected is
"Symbol" - you may have to change it in the drop-down menu.)
In A2:B5, fill in all possible combinations of boolean values for A
and B: FALSE and FALSE in row 2, FALSE and TRUE in row 3, TRUE and
FALSE in row 4, and TRUE and TRUE in row 5. (Notice, again, that
there are 2² = 4 possible combinations of values of two
Now, in C2:J2, fill in the appropriate formula to make each cell
contain the value of the expression in the header of that column.
For example, C2 should contain:
, and I2 should contain
In other words, translate the boolean expression in the column header
into the corresponding Excel formula, in each column. Use
references to other cells to the left to keep the formulas as simple
as possible. For example, once you have filled in the formula for the
column headed "(A ∧ B)", you can refer to that cell in the same
row in the column headed "~(A ∧ B)" — you don't have to
repeat the formula for that subexpression.
Use the "fill handle" on the cell in row 2 to copy its contents to the
three rows below it.
Note well: make sure you understand the reasoning behind each cell's
Verify that the values in columns G and H are the same, and the values
in columns I and J are the same. In other words, the equations given
by DeMorgan's laws are true!
Show your instructor the formulas in your completed spreadsheet. Then
save and upload it as "Lab 4 Part 2" via
the online submission
Summary: Things You Learned
Strings are sequences of characters in both MATLAB
and Excel. A sequence of characters is treated as a string (as
opposed to a variable name or function name) and not interpreted
whenever it is quoted, i.e., enclosed in quotes
— single-quotes in MATLAB, double-quotes in Excel.
Conditional (if) statements in MATLAB are used to control the flow of
control. Sometimes if statements need to be "nested", i.e.,
one if statement is part of one of the "branches" (true or
false) of the other.
The ifelse form provides a compact alternative to
deeply-nested if-statements, when multiple conditions
have to be checked.
To construct a
truth table for any boolean expression, set up columns for each
variable and each subexpression of the expression. Make a row for
each possible combination of truth values of the variables; the number
of rows will be 2 to the k-th power, if there are k variables. Then
fill in the value of each subexpression in each row, according to the
values of the variables, starting with the simplest subexpression and
building up until all subexpressions of the main expression have values.