CS 221 Fall 2011 - Grading Sheet for Problem Set 1

Due: 23:59:59 Wednesday, September 21

The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce the concepts you have been taught in lecture and lab.

This assignment has two parts; you will submit a single "zip" archive containing your answers to all three parts.

Late Submission Penalties

Late submissions will be penalized 20% per day or fraction of day. Thus if you submit at 8:00 a.m. Thursday, the maximum score you can get will be 80. If you submit at 1:00 a.m. Friday, your max score will be 60.

General Policies

Because we have around 180 submissions to grade, it is important that you follow the instructions about what to submit and how to format it. (Note: 15 minutes grading time for each of 180 submissions = 45 hours.)

Part 1: CS Concepts

10 points for each problem.

Part 2: Excel Problems