CS 221 Fall 2011 -- Extra Credit Problem 2
CS 221 Fall 2011 Extra Credit Problem 2
Due: 23:59:59 Sunday, December 11
This problem is worth a maximum of 2 points (2%) of your final overall grade.
Automated Curve-Fitting
For this problem you will write a function dofits(x,y,k)
to automatically test several forms of function to see which fits best
a given set of data. Here x and y are column
vectors, where the x's are the independent values
and the y's are the dependent values; x and y
must be the same length. k is the maximum degree of polynomial
that should be fitted to the data. The functions fitted to the curve
Polynomials up to degree k (the parameter).
Exponential: y = α eβ x.
Power-law: y = α xβ.
For each of the above types of curves, the
function does the following:
If necessary, transform the data by taking logarithms, so the form is
a polynomial. For example, to fit to an exponential curve, the y
values must be replaced by their natural logarithms.
Call polyfit() on the (possibly transformed) data
to deterine the coefficients of the polynomial.
Call polyfit() again on the measured and predicted data, to
determine the goodness-of-fit by comparing the
(measured, predicted) pairs with the x=y line.
So for example if the data is fitted to a
polynomial, and the coefficients returned
by the first call to polyfit() are in c,
you would call polyfit(y,polyval(c,x),1) to get the slope and
intercept of the best-fitting line. (Recall that "goodness of fit"
can be quantified by the slope and intercept of the measured
vs. predicted line, which should be close to 1 and 0, respectively).
Print the computed parameters of each fitted curve
(i.e., the coefficients for the polynomials,
α and β for the exponential and power-law), along with the
goodness-of-fit parameters (i.e., the coefficients returned
by polyfit()) for each.
- Use fprintf() to produce output formatted as in the
examples below (note: the default precision for %f is six decimal places).
- Do not print anything else.
Note: You may find the
slides from this lecture helpful.
For example, if you load this data set,
set x = ecdata(:,1) and y = ecdata(:,2),
and then call dofits(x,y,3), it should print:
degree 1: [ 0.199847 5.037114 ]
goodness: 0.998814 0.053474
degree 2: [ -0.000004 0.201369 4.935181 ]
goodness: 0.998818 0.053301
degree 3: [ -0.000000 0.000003 0.200215 4.973975 ]
goodness: 0.998819 0.053283
exponential: beta=0.005606, alpha=12.162348;
goodness: 1.185886, -7.713574
power law: beta=0.689275, alpha=1.191440;
goodness: 0.841387, 5.983828
(The actual curve here is a line y = 0.2x + 5; the fit
is not exact because noise has been added to the measurements.
Note that when coefficients of higher powers in
the polynomial are close to zero, a
lower-degree polynomial is indicated, even if the "goodness of
fit" is slightly better for the higher-degree one.)
For this data set,
it should print:
degree 1: [ 17174.793999 -390883.931651 ]
goodness: 0.831667 80200.898188
degree 2: [ 294.516124 -12571.334535 114800.253429 ]
goodness: 0.994642 2552.792031
degree 3: [ 1.813078 19.834749 -1418.908110 18606.836039 ]
goodness: 0.998609 662.759383
exponential: beta=0.060602, alpha=5035.903742;
goodness: 1.337127, -111070.266422
power law: beta=1.715680, alpha=-66.611871;
goodness: 0.449575, 92871.666940
(Actual equation for the above data is a cubic polynomial with
parameters 2, -10, 8, and 100.)
For this one, you should get:
degree 1: [ 78.547616 -259.912497 ]
goodness: 0.991321 11.719844
degree 2: [ 0.677427 50.773115 -62.822336 ]
goodness: 0.998946 1.423064
degree 3: [ -0.010890 1.347143 39.578267 -20.960165 ]
goodness: 0.999143 1.157854
exponential: beta=0.086567, alpha=156.203270;
goodness: 1.376870, -421.973310
power law: beta=1.282841, alpha=26.245491;
goodness: 0.982327, 13.865161
Note that the "goodness of fit" measure is not foolproof, as the
actual data in this case was generated by a power law, with α
= 25 and β = 1.3 (y = 25x1.3), but the
parabola and cubic polynomial both have much better goodness-of-fit.