CS 221 Fall 2011 - Grading Sheet for Problem Set 3
Due: 23:59:59 Monday, November 7
The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce the concepts of MATLAB
matrix and plot operation.
This assignment has three parts; you are supposed to turn in (coalprod.m, coalprod.jpg, and smooth.m)
into that folder.3 files in all)
Late Submission Penalties
Late submissions will be penalized 20% per day or fraction of
day. Thus if you submit at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, the maximum score you
can get will be 80. If you submit at 1:00 a.m. Wednesday, your max score
will be 60.
General Policies
Because we have around 180 submissions to grade, it is important that
you follow the instructions about what to submit and
how to format it. (Note: 15 minutes grading time for each of 180
submissions = 45 hours.)
Failure to include directory in zip file: 10% penalty.
Sending one or more files in some format other than .m: 15% penalty.
Missing files for some parts: no points for that part.
Note that you can submit an assignment to CS Portal more than once,
but your submission should contain all files in a single archive. If
you submit more than once, only the last submission will be scored.
Part 1: Plotting Time Series Data in MATLAB
50 points in total for this problem. Details are below:
Successfully load data from "coalprod.csv" by csvread function (8 points)
1) If the data cannot be loaded properly due to the wrong way of using csvread function, deduct 3 points
Extract the 500-by-1 matrix into seperate vectors (9 points)
1) 3 points for each vector assignment
2) If wrong vector names are used, deduct 1 point for each
3) If ":" is not used, instead, student uses other way to finish the assigment with correct result (e.g. for loop...). Deduct 2 points.
Plot the historical production data for Kentucky's two regions (8 points)
1)It is fine if there is no title, no legend or label in this graph (since they will do this later)
2)If the data are not plotted correctly, deduct 4 points.
project the trend in the data by using polyfit and polyval (15 points)
1) If polyfit is not used, dedected 5 points; if it is not used properly (e.g. wrong input parameters), deduct 3 points
2) If polyval is not used, dedected 5 points; if it is not used properly (e.g. wrong input parameters), deduct 3 points
3) If vector "TrendYears" is not created correctly, deduct 5 points.
plot the actual and projected data on the same graph (10 points)
1) If either the actual data or projected data is missing, deduct 4 points.
2) If the title or axis labels is missing, deduct 2 points for each.
Part 2: "Smoothing" Data
50 points in total for this problem. Details are below:
A correct function definition of smooth()(15 points)
1) If re-define the input parameter inside the function (includes using input() to let user enter data), deduct 5 points.
2) If the input parameter is not correct (e.g. no input argument), deduct 5 points.
3) If the return variable is not assigned through the whole function body, deduct 5 points.
Using nested loop to compute the matrix (20 points)
1) If wrong index update for the loop, deduct 2- 5 points. (e.g. the first or last row is included)
2) If a simple loop is used instead of nested loop, deduct 10 points
3) If incorrect index is used to access element in the matrix, deduct 5-10 points. (i.e. the index is out of bound or the indice are swapped between row and column)
Correct compute the new matrix for each element (15 points)