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Onur Ascigil |
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[1] | Xinming Chen, Tilman Wolf, Jim Griffioen, Onur Ascigil, Rudra Dutta, George Rouskas, Shireesh Bhat, Ilya Baldin, and Ken Calvert. Design and Implementation of an Economy Plane for the Internet. In Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015. [ bib ] |
[2] | Onur Ascigil, Kenneth L. Calvert, and James Griffioen. On the Scalability of Interdomain Path Computations. In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/IFIP Networking, pages 34-42, 2014. [ bib ] |
[3] | Brown D, Ascigil O, Nasir H, Carpenter C, Griffioen J, and Calvert K. Designing A GENI Experimenter Tool To Support the ChoiceNet Internet Architecture. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT 2014), in conjunction with ICNP 2014, pages 1-8, 2014. [ bib ] |
[4] | Brown D, Nasir H, Carpenter C, Ascigil O, Griffioen J, and Calvert K. ChoiceNet Gaming: Changing the Gaming Experience with Economics. In Proceedings of 19th International Computer Games Conference, pages 17-22, 2014. [ bib ] |
[5] | Song Yuan, Onur Ascigil, James Griffioen, and Kenneth L. Calvert. Leveraging Legacy Software in Clean-Slate Network Architectures. In Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), pages 1-7, 2012. [ bib ] |
[6] | Onur Ascigil and Kenneth L. Calvert. Implications of Source Routing. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on CoNEXT student workshop *Selected for Presentation in the Main Conference as one of the 6 out of 32 student papers, pages 11-12, 2012. [ bib ] |
[7] | Onur Ascigil and Kenneth L. Calvert. On the Scalability of Source Routing Architectures. In Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Network Protocols (ICNP), pages 297-300, 2011. [ bib ] |
[8] | James Griffioen, Kenneth L. Calvert, Onur Ascigil, and Song Yuan. Separating Routing Policy from Mechanism in the Network Layer. In G. Rouskas B. Ramamurthy and K. Sivalingam, editors, Next-Generation Internet Architectures and Protocols, pages 219 - 237. Cambridge University Press, 2010. [ bib ] |
[9] | Ascigil O, Diao Y, Ernst C, High D, and Ziegler U. Generating 4-regular Hamiltonian Plane Graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 73, 2010. [ bib ] |
[10] | Onur Ascigil, Song Yuan, James Griffioen, and Kenneth L. Calvert. Deconstructing the Network Layer. In Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), pages 151-156, 2008. [ bib ] |