Class Merged

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Merged
extends java.lang.Object
implements UserAPI

Main executable module, also exports user API for applications. Merged is launched from the CSPd. Separate document describes Merged arguments.
User API calls are implemented in this class. All public methods are implementation of UserAPI.

Field Summary
static int FAIL
static boolean LOG_OUT
          defines allow or not to use System.out to print internal log messages
static boolean LOG_UDP
static int LOG_UDP_PORT
static int MAX_ACTIVE_DECS
          Upper bound on number of entries in the mergeStateTable, as described in the spec
 java.lang.Class[] Merged_Class
static int MODE
protected random
protected  byte[] secretEncKey
protected  byte[] secretKey
protected  boolean secretKeyUpdated
protected  byte[] secretMacKey
static boolean UNL_ON
          true, is communication with CSPd is ON
static int VERSION
          version of merged
Method Summary
 boolean cancelTimer()
          Remove timer for current tag, if any returns true if was removed false, if it was not found in any case, after calling this method there no more timers are pending for current tag
 void debug(java.lang.String s)
          Print debugging message, for user only
 void debugOFF()
          Turn debugging of current merged off.
 void debugON()
          Turn debug option on.
 void enableUNL(boolean update)
          Disable/Enable UNL updates.
 byte[] getByteArray(java.lang.String name)
 javax.crypto.Cipher getCipherDec()
          Retrieve (decryption) cipher from the flow state
 javax.crypto.Cipher getCipherEnc()
          Retrieves (encryption) cipher from the flow state
 javax.crypto.Mac getCipherMac()
          Retrieve mac cipher from the flow state
 long getCurrentTag()
          Returns current value of tag
 long getDEClimit()
          Returns MAX_ACTIVE_DECS as described in the draft Maximum amount of per-flow state kept at a node
 int getInt(java.lang.String name)
 long getLong(java.lang.String name)
 int getMyID()
          Returns ID to identify current node (currently it is based on the IP address
 byte[] getSecretEncKey()
          Returns secret key for data encryption/decryption.
 byte[] getSecretKey()
          Returns secret key material used to generate secret keys.
 boolean getSecretKeyUpdated()
          Returns true, if the secret key has been updated and sets this flag to false.
 byte[] getSecretMacKey()
          Returns secret key for secure-hash mac.
 long getSenderID()
          Returns upstream neighbor ID of the current incoming packet.
 long getTimer()
          Returns absolute number of milliseconds - time on which second part of the packet processing (buildAndFwdIfDone) has been scheduled, or 0 if it was not scheduled
 UNL getUNL()
          Returns Upstream Neighbor List
protected  void logDebug(java.lang.String s)
          Logging to stderr only
 void logUdp(java.lang.String s)
          Print the message to the UDP socket.
static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
0 classPath (file or url) 1 SpecBase ...
 boolean putByteArray(java.lang.String name, byte[] value)
 boolean putCipherDec(javax.crypto.Cipher c)
          Store decryption cipher in the flow state.
 boolean putCipherEnc(javax.crypto.Cipher c)
          Allows to store initialized (encryption) cipher in the flow state.
 boolean putCipherMac(javax.crypto.Mac m)
          Store mac cipher in the flow state.
 boolean putInt(java.lang.String name, int value)
          The following 6 method are used to store and retrieve data in the flow state.
 boolean putLong(java.lang.String name, long value)
 boolean setTimer(long time)
          This method can only be called from user done() method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean UNL_ON
true, is communication with CSPd is ON


public static final int VERSION
version of merged


public static final int MAX_ACTIVE_DECS
Upper bound on number of entries in the mergeStateTable, as described in the spec


public static final boolean LOG_OUT
defines allow or not to use System.out to print internal log messages


public java.lang.Class[] Merged_Class


public static int MODE


protected byte[] secretKey


protected boolean secretKeyUpdated


protected byte[] secretEncKey


protected byte[] secretMacKey


protected random


public static final int FAIL


public static final int FAIL_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS


public static boolean LOG_UDP


public static final int LOG_UDP_PORT
Method Detail


public long getTimer()
Returns absolute number of milliseconds - time on which second part of the packet processing (buildAndFwdIfDone) has been scheduled, or 0 if it was not scheduled
Specified by:
getTimer in interface UserAPI


public boolean setTimer(long time)
This method can only be called from user done() method. Calling the methods tells merged : "I'm not ready to build a message right now. I want to try again at time (absolute in milliseconds)" returns true, if time was setup return false, otherwise
Specified by:
setTimer in interface UserAPI


public boolean cancelTimer()
Remove timer for current tag, if any returns true if was removed false, if it was not found in any case, after calling this method there no more timers are pending for current tag
Specified by:
cancelTimer in interface UserAPI


public long getDEClimit()
Returns MAX_ACTIVE_DECS as described in the draft Maximum amount of per-flow state kept at a node
Specified by:
getDEClimit in interface UserAPI


public UNL getUNL()
Returns Upstream Neighbor List
Specified by:
getUNL in interface UserAPI


public void enableUNL(boolean update)
Description copied from interface: UserAPI
Disable/Enable UNL updates.
Specified by:
enableUNL in interface UserAPI


public long getCurrentTag()
Returns current value of tag
Specified by:
getCurrentTag in interface UserAPI


public int getMyID()
Returns ID to identify current node (currently it is based on the IP address
Specified by:
getMyID in interface UserAPI


public boolean putInt(java.lang.String name,
                      int value)
The following 6 method are used to store and retrieve data in the flow state. This data can be shared between multiple DECs. put*() method returns true, if value has been stored in the flow state and false if it has not been stored, in the case of exceeding memory for the flow state
Specified by:
putInt in interface UserAPI


public boolean putLong(java.lang.String name,
                       long value)
Specified by:
putLong in interface UserAPI


public boolean putByteArray(java.lang.String name,
                            byte[] value)
Specified by:
putByteArray in interface UserAPI


public int getInt(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getInt in interface UserAPI


public long getLong(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getLong in interface UserAPI


public byte[] getByteArray(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getByteArray in interface UserAPI


public long getSenderID()
Returns upstream neighbor ID of the current incoming packet. This method is only available from gettag() and merge() methods, and only in first time calls of done(), buildmsg() methods, that are executed when the packet first arrives. Call of this method from any other done() or buildmsg() methods returns 0 (because merged does not store this id). This ID is one of ID's in the UNL list.
Specified by:
getSenderID in interface UserAPI


public byte[] getSecretKey()
Returns secret key material used to generate secret keys. This key is supplied by the receiver and is passed by the CSPD
Specified by:
getSecretKey in interface UserAPI


public byte[] getSecretEncKey()
Returns secret key for data encryption/decryption. This key is supplied by the receiver and is passed by the CSPD
Specified by:
getSecretEncKey in interface UserAPI


public byte[] getSecretMacKey()
Returns secret key for secure-hash mac. This key is supplied by the receiver and is passed by the CSPD
Specified by:
getSecretMacKey in interface UserAPI


public boolean getSecretKeyUpdated()
Returns true, if the secret key has been updated and sets this flag to false. Otherwise, returns false.
Specified by:
getSecretKeyUpdated in interface UserAPI


public boolean putCipherEnc(javax.crypto.Cipher c)
Allows to store initialized (encryption) cipher in the flow state. This is used for optimization (to initialize cipher only once).
Specified by:
putCipherEnc in interface UserAPI


public javax.crypto.Cipher getCipherEnc()
Retrieves (encryption) cipher from the flow state
Specified by:
getCipherEnc in interface UserAPI


public boolean putCipherDec(javax.crypto.Cipher c)
Store decryption cipher in the flow state.
Specified by:
putCipherDec in interface UserAPI


public javax.crypto.Cipher getCipherDec()
Retrieve (decryption) cipher from the flow state
Specified by:
getCipherDec in interface UserAPI


public boolean putCipherMac(javax.crypto.Mac m)
Store mac cipher in the flow state.
Specified by:
putCipherMac in interface UserAPI


public javax.crypto.Mac getCipherMac()
Retrieve mac cipher from the flow state
Specified by:
getCipherMac in interface UserAPI


public void debugON()
Turn debug option on. Will create a log file and print log messages of the current merged, when rcsp is in debugging mode
Specified by:
debugON in interface UserAPI


public void debugOFF()
Turn debugging of current merged off.
Specified by:
debugOFF in interface UserAPI


public void debug(java.lang.String s)
Print debugging message, for user only
Specified by:
debug in interface UserAPI


protected void logDebug(java.lang.String s)
Logging to stderr only


public void logUdp(java.lang.String s)
Print the message to the UDP socket. Added for the Darpa demo in Jan$
Specified by:
logUdp in interface UserAPI


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argv)
0 classPath (file or url) 1 SpecBase ... c MergeState //c - the number of classes included in the mergespec, c >= 2, // usually c = 2 //NEW : on the sender, when Merge Spec is not available, CSPD should //supply c = 2, // arg[1] = "null", // arg[2] = "null" //OLD options c+1 Encryption class name, or "null" if not available c+2 receiver IP address (since there is a single flow per merged) c+3 ENC_ON or ENC_OFF c+4 DEC_ON or DEC_OFF //NEW options, replace c+3 and c+4 with c+3 S, M, or R (for Sender, Middle, or Receiver) More info in MERGEd/Java/docs/concast-secure-data-int.txt