Yan Huang

Ph.D. candidate

Department of Computer Science

University of Kentucky

yhu233 at. g.uky.edu

Yan Huang is currently a fifth year Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky. Before that, she got her B.E. from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2009. She also holds a M.S. in Statistics from University of Kentucky.

My GitHub page


  1. University of Kentucky

         Ph.D Candidate in Computer Science

  1. University of Kentucky

         M.S. in Statistics

  1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

         Visiting Student in Computer Science

  1. University of Science & Technology of China

         B.E. in Computer Science

   2009 - present  

2010 - 2013

2010 - 2011

2005 - 2009


  1. Yan Huang, Yin Hu, and Jinze Liu. Piecing the puzzle together: a revisit to transcript reconstruction problem in RNA-seq. BMC Bioinformatics, in press.

  1. Yan Huang, Yin Hu, and Jinze Liu. Piecing the Puzzle Together: a Revisit to Transcript Reconstruction Problem in RNA-seq. 4th Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing (RECOMB-SEQ), March 31 - April 1, 2014, Pittsburgh, USA.

  1. Yan Huang, Yin Hu, Corbin D. Jones, James N. MacLeod, Derek Chiang, Yufeng Liu, Jan F. Prins, and Jinze Liu. A Robust Method for Transcript Quantification with RNA-seq Data. Journal of Computational Biology, 2013, doi: 10.1089/cmb.2012.0230.

  1. Yin Hu, Yan Huang, Ying, Du, Christian Orellana, Darshan Singh, Amy Johnson, Anais Monroy, Pei-Fen Kuan, Scott Hammond, Liza Makowski, Scott Randell, Derek Chiang, David Hayes, Corbin Jones, Yufeng Liu, Jan Prins, Jinze Liu. DiffSplice: the Genome-Wide Detection of Differential Splicing Events with RNA-seq. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1026.

  1. Yan Huang, Yin Hu, Corbin D. Jones, James N. MacLeod, Derek Chiang, Yufeng Liu, Jan F. Prins, and Jinze Liu. A Robust Method for Transcript Quantification with RNA-seq Data. 16th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB). April 21 - April 24, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

  1. Kai Wang, Darshan Singh, Zheng Zeng, Stephen Coleman, Yan Huang, Gleb L. Savich, Xiaping He, Piotr Mieczkowski, Sara A. Grimm, Charles M. Perou, James N. MacLeod, Derek Y. Chiang, Jan F. Prins and Jinze Liu. Accurate Mapping of RNA-seq Reads for Splice Junction Discovery. Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq622.



  1. Computational Biology and Genomics: develop novel algorithms, statistical models and learning methods for genome and transcriptome analysis using high-throughput sequencing data;

  1. Scientific Software Engineering: build robust, efficient and scalable open-source software for utilizing and understanding massive biological data; incorporate data mining and cloud computing techniques to ease the interpretation of complex, large data.

Awards and Honors

  1. Kentucky Opportunity Fellowship, 2014

  2. Nominee of Dissertation Year Fellowship in University of Kentucky, 2014

  3. National Science Foundation (NSF) travel grant for RECOMB, 2012

  4. 2010 CRA-W Travel Grant, 2010

  5. Outstanding Student Scholarship, 2006, 2007, 2008

  6. Undergraduate Research Project Excellent Award (Top 1), 2008

  7. Ranked 1st in Undergraduate Research Program (supported by Microsoft), 2007