Christopher Diaz, Ph.D.

My Recently Published TextBook


Book Front Cover Book Back Cover(click on pictures for larger view) 

My recent book, titled "Introduction to UNIX/Linux" is published by Charles River Media and Delmar/Thomson Publishing, Copyright 2007, ISBN 10: 1-58450-449-8 and ISBN 13: 978-1-58450-449-8. I designed and wrote this textbook to present common use of UNIX/Linux in a variety of fields and professions, including Computer Science, Information Technology, Business, Mathematics, and Engineering. I also designed this textbook to target both the academic environment as well as the trade market, so the reader can effectively learn UNIX/Linux concepts in a classroom setting as well as on their own for work, educational, or personal use. This book is currently used at colleges and universities around the United States.

To enhance and reinforce the material presented in this book, this book includes a data DVD-ROM that contains a fully functional Fedora™ Linux system that one can install on their own computer. To further facilitate learning, the DVD-ROM also contains data files for the examples given in the book, thus allowing the reader to follow the text discussion in an applicative fashion. Lastly, the DVD-ROM contains presentation slides that an instructor may use in a classroom environment.

For more information and ordering, please visit the publisher's link. You may also order or read reviews on many bookstore websites such as It may also be found or ordered at your local bookstore. Please notice most websites contain a tentative (hence pre-finalized) chapter listing that may vary from the final publication. The actual chapter listing is as follows

Final Table of Contents for Introduction to UNIX/Linux, by Christopher Diaz
Chapter 1 - Overview of UNIX and Linux
Chapter 2 - Installing a UNIX/Linux system
Chapter 3 - Getting Started in UNIX/Linux
Chapter 4 - File and Directory Management
Chapter 5 - Intermediate File and Directory Management
Chapter 6 - Job and Process Management
Chapter 7 - Editing Files
Chapter 8 - Text Formatting: Creating and Viewing Typeset Documents
Chapter 9 - Shell Script Programming
Chapter 10 - Programming with C/C++
Chapter 11 - Basic Account and System Maintenance
Chapter 12 - Network-Based Utilities

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for the second version of this book, please do not hesitate to email me at