Concast CSP Documentation



The CSP ( or  Concast Signalling Protocol)  allows participating concast nodes to exchange control information. The protocol has been implemented in 2 flavors SCSPd (or sender CSPd) and RCSPd (or receiver CSPd). Either one or both of these daemons may be required to run at each concast node (for details see here).

System Requirements

The following software versions are required to run concast.

  1. Linux 2.4.0 or higher. The kernel patch for the linux kernel is available from the kernel documentation page.
  2. Java 1.2 or higher and gcc version 2.95.2 or higher.

Compiling & Installing the CSPds

  1. tar xzvf concast-beta-2-release.tgz

  2. This creates a directory called Concast_v2 which contains all the components required for the concast setup. Henceforth, we shall use this directory as our frame of reference.
  3. cd Concast_v2/CSPd
  4. make clean all install

  5. The does the following:
  6. Before running RCSPd/SCSPd make sure that all MERGEd components are in place. Details on how to compile and install MERGEd can be found on the merged documentationpage.
  7. It may also prove useful to understand some fundamental principles of CSP operation (explained here).
  8. cd Concast_v2/bin
  9. You are now ready to start RCSPd (executable is called rcspd) or SCSPd(executable is called scspd) depending on whether the node is a sender, receiver or intermediate node.
Note: It is important that the directory structure rooted at Concast_v2 be maintained at all times since certain programs shall refer to binaries elsewhere in the directory structure.

CSP Fundamentals

As mentioned earlier, the CSP has been implemented in 2 flavors SCSPd (or sender CSPd) and RCSPd (or receiver CSPd). RCSPd and SCSPd need to run with superuser privileges since they communicate using raw sockets. SCSPd must run on all nodes supporting one or more concast senders. The RCSPd must be run on all nodes supporting a MERGEd or a concast receiver. A typical concast scenario could appear as follows:

The figure shows a simple concast setup consisting of 4 nodes. The user(s) need to start the RCSPd and the SCSPd first. Starting a receiver or sender processes without the presence of the daemon processes will result in errors. A MERGEd for a flow is spawned by the RCSPd when the flow is successfully created/joined on that node. Note, CSP only operates on the control path, and not on the data path. Senders and receivers communicate with the RCSPd/SCSPd on certain occasions. For e.g., when the sender is first started, it informs the SCSPd of its intention to join a concast group. Similarly, when the receiver is first started, it needs to provide details of the mergespec and the concast flow that is being created, to the RCSPd. Application interaction with the CSP is restricted to these occasional events. Our CSP implementation includes a set of libraries that allow the sender and receiver to encode several parameters that are required to establish a concast flow. The section on libraries describes these parameters in detail.

How to Use Libraries

Both senders and receivers need to use the libraries libcspdinterface.a and libmergespec.a. If CSPds are compiled ok, these libraries can be found in Concast_v2/lib. Therefore, the sender and receiver must be compiled by a command that looks something like:

gcc sendOrRecvProgram.c -o executable  -LsomeDirectory/Concast_v2/lib  -lcspdinterface  -lmergespec  -IsomeDirectory/Concast_v2/include

The following are the list of calls that are meant to be used by the concast receiver and concast sender. The actual usage shall be explained in some detail in the examples below. Use this list as a reference while implementing the concast sender or receiver.

The following functions can be found in Concast_v2/include/cspd.interface.h.

int ccast_receiver (int   sock          /*IN*/,
                    u_int raddr         /*IN*/,
                    u_int gaddr         /*IN*/,
                    u_short port        /*IN*/,
                    char *mf_ptr        /*IN*/ ,
                    int mf_len          /*IN*/ );
 Create a concast flow using the socket,  concast flow specifications and mergespec parameters.
 Parameters :
      sock            A datagram socket that is bound to the UDP protocol
      raddr           Receiver's IP address in Network byte order
      gaddr           Concast Group address in Network byte order
      port            Concast port number in Network byte order
      mf_ptr          Pointer to mergespec string.
      mf_len          Length of the mergespec string.
 Returns :
      FAILURE         or
int ccast_sender (int sock          /*IN*/,
                  u_int raddr       /*IN*/,
                  u_int gaddr       /*IN*/);
 Create a concast sender using the specified socket, receiver and group address.
 Every concast sender must call this function before it can send concast data
 through the socket. (see example)
 Parameters :
      protocol        If value <= 0 then default protocol value of IPPROTO_CSP
                           is used.  Else specified value is used
 Returns :
      FAILURE         or
      socket          created raw socket

The following functions are implemented by the mspec class ( which can be found in Concast_v2/include/mspec.hh). Mspec class is the structure that completely defines a mergespec. Getting acquainted with the mspec class could prove very useful while writing a new mergespec:

int add_fname (int fileNameLen     /*IN*/ ,
               char *fileName      /*IN*/);
 Add a filename to the mergespec.
      fileName        Name of the class file that implements the mergespec. For further details,
                            see example below.
      fileNameLen  Length of the string
     FAILURE or
int set_url (int urlLen    /*IN*/ ,
             char *url     /*IN*/ );
 Set the url for a http based mergespec.
     url                The url passed as a string. See example below.
     urlLen          Length of the string.
    FAILURE or
int create_mspec_java_http (char **v_mspec /*OUT*/);
 Create a java-http mergespec string.
     v_mspec        reference to a null initialized pointer passed as parameter. Returns a newly
                          allocated mergespec string.
    FAILURE or
    Length of the string.
  Note: *v_mspec must be deallocated by the user.


How to Write the Receiver

The receiver program needs to include the following header files:
#include <linux/concast.h>
#include <cspd.interface.h>
#include <filedet.hh>
#include <mspec.hh>

The first header file specifies data structures shared with the kernel. While installing the kernel source, make sure that the concast.h file is installed properly. The last 3 header files are to be found in Concast_v2/include (assuming that the CSPds are compiled ok).

When the receiver is first started, it must provide the local RCSPd with the mergespec. For a http-based mergespec, the receiver may do the following.

    mspec myMergeSpec;
    //this is the mergespec structure is defined in <mspec.hh>

    const char* classFileName= "concast.apps.sum.Sum";
    const char* classFileName= "concast.apps.sum.SumMergeState";
    //specify the class files that together constitute the mergespec.  Sum.class and
    //SumMergeState.class form a part of the concast.apps.sum package.
    //In this case, there are two class files. There could be several more depending upon the
    //specific task performed by the mergespec.

    const char* url= ""
    //set the url to the location where the class files can be found.

    char* mergeSpecStrPtr=NULL;
    int myMergeSpecStrLen;
    myMergeSpecStrLen=  myMergeSpec.create_mspec_java_http(mergeSpecStrPtr);
    //creates a string representation of the mergespec that is understood by everyone.
    //this function allocates mergeSpecStrPtr

    int ccastRecvSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP);
                          mergeSpecStr, mergeSpecLen);
    //bindAddr and bindPort are local address & port respectively in network order.
    //groupID is an integer that uniquely identifies a concast flow (similar to a multicast group

    //deallocate mergeSpecStrPtr

//the receiver can now receive concast packets through the socket ccastRecvSock using
//the traditional recvfrom() call.

How to Write the Sender

The sender program needs to include the following header files:
#include <linux/concast.h>
#include <cspd.interface.h>

Both of these header files have been described in the receiver section.
When the sender is first started, it must join the concast flow (similar to a multicast receiver joining a multicast group). A typical concast sender would do the following.

    int ccastSendSock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP);
    ccast_sender(ccastSendSock, (u_int)(toAddr.sin_addr.s_addr) , groupID);
    //toAddr is the receiver address in network order.
    //groupID is an integer that uniquely identifies a concast flow. The receiver would need to
    //create a flow with this groupID.

//the sender is now ready to receive concast packets through socket ccastSendSock using
//traditional sendto() call.

Please direct bug reports to {swami,amit,leon,mullins}