Establishing connection to Oracle through Java


 The oracle JDBC in Java is an API that enables users to access Oracle Database

 from Java.


 Steps to be followed to get Connection


 1     Import the predefined classes.


            import java.sql.*;


2        Load the drivers that acts as an interface from Java to Oracle.




3        Get connected to the database with your user id and password


    String  user,pass,url;(store user id in user and password in pass


    Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pass);


4        Interacting with the database from JDBC


      Interaction is achieved with the help of  object of class Statement


          Statement stmt=conn.createStatement();


       Execution of query statement


           stmt.executeUpdate(any stmt);

           Example :  stmt.executeUpdate(“DROP TABLE EMPLOYEE”);


       Execution of non-query statement


           stmt.executeQuery(query stmt);

           Example :  stmt.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE”);


        End of statement




5        Disconnecting from database






1        All statements mentioned above throws some exceptions so use TRY and CATCH 



2        Java is case sensitive so Caps are to be used wherever shown.


    3    Any names can be used for the variables like conn, stmt, user, pass etc  but it would be good if they are relevant to the data it stores.